Under the US Patent Act section 35 U.S.C. § 154 (a) “Every patent shall… contain a… grant to the patentee… of the right to exclude others from making, using, offering for sale or selling the invention throughout the United States.”
This is the only right you obtain when you are awarded a US Patent. The monetary value of a patent therefore lies in your ability to take action to enforce this right. Patent assets can be monetized by enforcing your rights through patent litigation or through a patent licensing campaign or by selling your patents to others who may want to enforce them or acquire them to prevent them from being enforced. At Patent Monetization Inc. (“PMI”) we have extensive experience in monetizing patent assets through all of these avenues. PMI principals have strategically managed monetization programs that have resulted in excess of $575 Million in court ordered awards, licensing revenue and patent asset sales revenue for our clients. Learn more about our experience and unique service offerings.
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